Ladies 1st XI
Sat 11 Dec 2021  ·  Women's Division 2 North West
St Ives 2
BDHC - The Dragons...
Ladies 1st XI
A solid performance paid off

A solid performance paid off

Kirsty Martin13 Dec 2021 - 22:51
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Great to end the first part of the season on a high

The BDHC Ladies 1s started out early for their last away game before Christmas to face their opponents of the day, St Ives 2s. With first pushback, the home team were straight out to push against and immediately put pressure on the Dragons. However, the midfielder wall of Carol Murray, Libby Moore, Norah Brill, Tash Mountain and Liz Nunn managed to keep St Ives at bay.

The Dragons fought back to take possession of the ball and pass it onto awaiting forwards, Ella Henson, Keira Maxey, Alessia Russo, and Olivia Portlock who were eager for some action. St Ives were not so easily bested. Breaking down the other end of the pitch brought the Dragons’ defenders of Vicky Mumby, Rachel Portlock and Isia Jasińska into the game. A surprising call awarded St Ives the first short corner of the game which they blasted at the goal, unfortunately for them was disallowed.

This close call gave the Dragons some fire to increase the intensity. Testing the waters down the other end of the pitch with St Ives’ defensive line, the ball fell to capable Ella Henson who saw the ball past the keeper and into the goal. The Dragons were 1-0 up.

St Ives had their own offensive breaks which sought to bring goal keeper, Eliana Russo, into play; effectively clearing the ball away from any danger.

The home team couldn’t seem to breach the fortified Dragons, who worked to efficiently transfer the ball around both sides of the pitch and between players, patiently waiting for their moment to shine.

This meticulous passing and team work gave the Dragons another push to St Ives’ D. A ball in from Carol Murray saw Alessia Russo on the end of it to have a shot at the keeper, but St Ives’ goal keeper had it covered. However, Kiera Maxey picked up the loose rebound and put it into the goal. A solid and promising start and as the half drew to a close, the Dragons were 2-0 up.

Settling and preparing themselves for St Ives to take advantage of the Dragons’ lead, the game was off to a harder and more intense offensive action by the opposition. The St Ives players ran and switched positions in an attempt to disorientate the Dragons and to get hold of some free space to dominate. This tactic seemed to work as St Ives managed to put the ball into the goal to bring themselves back into the game.

The Dragons were now under more pressure from St Ives who now had a foot in the door for getting back on equal pegging. Yet, the Dragons were hungry for goals and still had an appetite as a well-placed Olivia Portlock on the back post, sunk the incoming ball into the goal.
Seeing the Dragons a step closer to taking the win, St Ives once again increased the pressure and intensity and stepped up their game with endless attempts on the Dragons defence. Regardless, calm headed Eliana Russo staved off their advances and the Dragons were off down the other end.

In the closing minutes, a wayward loose ball slipped through the cracks and into the goal giving St Ives their second goal. As full time was called, the Dragons had sustained their lead and won 3-2. Man of the match was justly awarded to Libby Moore for her hard work and determination on pitch.

Match details

Match date

Sat 11 Dec 2021



Meet time



Please meet at St Ives leisure centre at 10am. White kit light blue socks.


Women's Division 2 North West

League position

Bourne Deeping 1
St Ives 2
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Kit Sponsor - Warners Printers
Kit Sponsor - Hoppers Jewellers
Kit Sponsor - Crow Hockey