Ladies 1st XI
Sat 18 Mar 2023  ·  Women's Division 2 North West
BDHC - The Dragons...
Ladies 1st XI
Cambridge Nomads 1
Nifty Norah was on form

Nifty Norah was on form

Kirsty Martin18 Mar 2023 - 19:12
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Dragons kept on top

The sun was somewhat shining and there a gathering of dragon supporters congregating around the pitch where tensions were brewing. Spurred on by dark thoughts of a possible relegation, the dragons commenced the game with fierce determination. Despite the dragons playing excellently, the opposition managed to break through defence and slip a goal around ever-exceptional Eliana. Keeping their heads up the dragons continued the battle for possession throughout the course of the 1st half, with awesome Alice making awesome tackles. In the second half, it was clear the dragons had greatly improved via a tremendous team talk, as they were playing stronger than ever. Izzie Oakley skilled her way through their determined defence and scored an equalising goal. After a tense square up with Alice and an opposing player, the ball was pushed through to to the D, winning the dragons a short corner, where noble Norah Brill scored a goal, placing the dragons in the lead. After many more short corners, the ball was transferred artfully to nifty Norah who yet again, ran to baseline and won another goal, ending the game 3-1 to the dragons! As master Oogway said, “yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that is why it is called the present.”

Match details

Match date

Sat 18 Mar 2023




Women's Division 2 North West

League position

Bourne Deeping 1
Cambridge Nomads 1
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Kit Sponsor - Warners Printers
Kit Sponsor - Hoppers Jewellers
Kit Sponsor - Crow Hockey