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Bleep Test 100 Challenge

Bleep Test 100 Challenge

Ryan Matthews9 Jun - 11:42
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Sunday 7th July

Back in January, a few of us from Bourne Deeping Hockey Club took part in the Burpee Mile Challenge, raising over £1500 for local charity Don't Lose Hope in Bourne.

Such was the generous response from everyone, that we started plotting our next challenge for this summer.... and what do people hate even more than burpees.... THE BLEEP TEST.

A stomach knotting part of anyone's school PE days and guaranteed to induce a flood of hastily forged notes from "mum" to say you can't do PE today (ever wondered why the PE staff never gave you any prior warning it was coming up?!)

But 1 bleep test? Hard work, sure, but a walk in the park really. And we want you to dig DEEP this time, so we're going big. July's challenge is to complete 100 levels of the bleep test in one sitting. Now the test itself is a 20m shuttle to be completed in time with the bleeps from the test recording. The bleeps get faster as you progress through the levels, until you can no longer keep up! Nobody completes the bleep test (even elite athletes), you just run faster and faster until you can't run any more, and that gives you your 'level'.

In our case we will run, re-run, and keep re-running the test again and again until we have completed 100 levels.

For instance you may complete level 8 (the level needed to join the British Army as an infantry soldier) before you can no longer run the 20m in the time allotted between 'bleeps'. In which case; well done, 8 down.... 92 levels to go... get back on that start line!

It works out between 16-18km of distance run in total via the energy sapping medium of the bleep test.

So why oh why are we doing this? Because we're hoping our efforts will encourage you to donate to this wonderful local charity who do so much to support people in their times of need. Whether that's by providing free counselling sessions, or just a friendly face at their community garden or Night Light cafe.

At some point we all face difficult times in our lives, stress, anxiety, depression, grief, loneliness, addiction; Don't Lose Hope make sure there is always somebody there to remind us all that there is always hope. Please take a look at their website for a better look at what they do:

Further reading